Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Shameless plug
On and off for about a year Joeja and I have been following the progress of an Idaho Marine, Mitch Ehlke, who lost his leg in Iraq. The second and final story ran last week and you can click on the link to read it, if you want to make me feel special. A story about Luke Miller, the Marine who saved Ehlke's life also ran with it.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
New post, new links, same drunk
I've been real flaky on the blogging recently so I'm working double time now to keep current. On top of the first new post in many moons, I've updated my links. Now, Druz fans frustrated by my outdated Sleezy link need curse my name no longer: the new link will take you directly to our overly traveled friend so that you may feel inadequate immediately after reading my blog to feel better about yourself. Also, I've axed Squealin' Whelan and Amber because they suck, and let their blogs die a slow, undignified death.
Monday, May 15, 2006
It's not a party until Druz is in drag

It's OK, you don't have to say it - I know I look beautiful.