Monday, June 05, 2006
The magic is in the hole

I recently returned from a trip to Portland with the lovely Anna and I'm not entirely sure why I came back. Yes, yes, Boise is a nice town and I like living here but Portland rocks (it didn't hurt that I caught the city during rare sunny and warm weather).
During the trip I fell in love with an exotic cocktail called the pisco sour - a mix of grape brandy, egg whites, lime, bitters and sugar which we sampled at a Peruvian restaurant called Andina during one of the top 5 meals I have ever had.
The highlight, however, was a demonic doughnut shop - kind of DK's evil twin for you Boiseans - called Voodoo Doughnut, whose motto is "The magic is in the hole." Located in a slightly seedy part of town in a decidedly seedy closet of a storefront, Voodoo Doughnut features such delicacies as the tang doughnut (sprinkled with tang powder), the cock and balls (just like it sounds) and the bacon maple bar, which is three strips of bacon on top of a maple bar.
Sadly, I missed out on both the bacon maple bar, as it is only served weekends, and the store's annual Cockfest, where contestants try to stack as many donuts as possible on their wang. Apparently the contest has been mostly theoretical as this was the first year someone actually rose to the challenge (four doughnuts, if you were wondering).